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The ISF Ghana Project Takes Flight

On November 7, Dr. Jeri LaVigne flew from Atlanta, GA to Ghana on behalf of the ISF Ghana Project to train five members of CLED (Campaign For Learning Disabilities) how to screen for Irlen Syndrome. Dr. Jeri and her team from CLED accomplished a lot during her week-long stay. Not only did they complete their Irlen training, but they met with the country’s educational policy makers, the Department of Education and the Special Education Division of the National Assessment and Resources Center. They screened children at multiple schools during the training week, and CLED director, Padmore Quansah and his team continued school screenings immediately following Dr. Jeri’s departure from Ghana. This outstanding team of Irlen screeners is taking the country by storm, and we look forward to hearing how implementing Irlen screening country-wide changes educational success of the children in Ghana.

Below are Dr. Jeri’s daily logs from the trip – enjoy!

November 8

This is Moses, one of the CLED employees and a soon to be Irlen Screener. We walked from the office to his house tonight through town, Kasoa. We had dinner at his house. His mom made Ampesi with fresh yams and plantains from the yard. And yes, that’s a mango tree.

November 9

We walk everywhere. And then if we have a long way to go, we hire a taxi. Today we went to the Dept. Of Education to get permission to work in the schools.

November 10 Oduponkpehe, Ghana

Screening at our first school!

November 11

Sometimes we have electricity and sometimes we don’t. Today we have to improvise and move the training outside under the mango tree because it’s too hot inside with no fan.

November 13  Asabaham, Ghana

This morning we took a mini bus and went to screen students at another elementary school, Opeikuma St. Peter’s Angelican School. Then we went to the Dept. Of Education again to give a presentation and ask for their support so Padmore and his team at CLED can continue to screen and assist children in the schools. All of the 15 administrators wanted to be screened!


November 14

The Special Education Division of the National Assessment and Resources Center heard about what we have been doing in the schools and asked us to come to Accra today to present the Irlen Method and our findings so far. It was a wonderful experience and they were excited to learn a new way to help their children that struggle. I’m not sure what I was expecting exactly for their national offices in the Capital, but think twice before you complain about your work space.


November 15

I would like to introduce you to the first Ghanian Certified Irlen Screeners. Padmore Quansah, Nicholas Aidoo, Akpene Genevieve Dagadu, Anthony Mengah Nsenyiane, and Moses Dickson from CLED – Campaign for Learning Disabilities. We wish them much success! Ayekooo (Well done)