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Irlen Syndrome and Scotopic Sensitivity: Symptoms, Eye Stress, and Visual Strain

Understanding Irlen Syndrome and Scotopic Sensitivity is crucial for recognizing symptoms related to visual stress and strain. These conditions, often overlooked in standard vision screenings, can greatly impact reading, learning, and daily functioning. By unpacking the intricacies of heightened light sensitivity, and the stress it places on the eyes, this article aims to shed light on the frequently misunderstood symptoms that individuals with Irlen Syndrome and Scotopic Sensitivity experience. At Irlen.com, we provide insights into diagnosis and strategies designed to alleviate the discomfort associated with these visual processing difficulties.

Irlen Syndrome: Understanding Symptoms and Visual Stress

Irlen Syndrome, also known as scotopic sensitivity syndrome, is a visual ailment that causes difficulty when it comes to reading and properly perceiving printed text. Individuals with this condition often experience significant visual stress, leading to symptoms such as eyes that hurt, headaches, and an increased propensity for one’s eyes to become watery or for discomfort to occur while reading. Additionally, those affected may find themselves dealing with eye strain even during non-reading activities, suggesting a broader sensitivity to certain types of light. This sensitivity does not typically improve with traditional vision correction methods such as glasses or contact lenses, as the syndrome isn’t due to a problem with the eyes’ ability to focus, but rather how visual information is processed by the brain.

The syndrome’s link with light means that individuals may manifest a unique set of visual problems under various lighting conditions. For instance, bright fluorescents or harsh outdoor light can exacerbate the syndrome, causing the vision to become less efficient and focused, compelling those affected to seek dimmer or more controlled lighting environments. Moreover, the repetitive patterns found in certain texts can cause a type of visual echo or blurring, which only furthers the strain.

Recognizing the symptoms of Irlen Syndrome is crucial because it allows for more understanding and management of the discomfort and challenges it brings. Individuals might notice that they experience headaches more frequently when engaged in visual tasks, or that their eyes hurt after short periods of reading. Often, these symptoms are misattributed to the need for vision perscription adjustment or presumed eye fatigue. However, proper diagnosis is essential to receive the correct intervention, which might include the use of color-tinted filters or overlays that can reduce the visual stress associated with Irlen Syndrome.

It’s pertinent to remember that scotopic sensitivity syndrome doesn’t only affect reading abilities. The broader spectrum of life experiences, from the glare of a computer screen to the flicker of fluorescent lights, can also elicit the symptoms associated with the syndrome, emphasizing the need for awareness and comprehensive care strategies for those impacted by this visual condition.

  • Difficulty with reading, such as rapid fatigue, discomfort, or an inability to comprehend written text
  • Sensitivity to bright lighting or glare, often leading to headaches or strain on the eyes
  • Visual distortions, including blurring, halos around text, or apparent movement of words on a page

Identifying the Visual and Eye Strain Symptoms Associated with Irlen Syndrome

Irlen Syndrome, also known as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, is a perceptual processing disorder that can lead to significant visual strain and a variety of other debilitating eye-related symptoms. Individuals with this syndrome may find concentrating on text nearly impossible, as words seem to merge or dance on the page, provoking considerable discomfort while reading. This can include vision problems such as eyes becoming watery or experiencing dry eye, which are common complaints. Furthermore, a pronounced sensitivity to light often manifests in those suffering from Irlen Syndrome, making everyday environments feel overwhelmingly bright or glary.

The symptoms of Irlen Syndrome extend beyond mere visual strain; individuals may report recurring headaches and a difficulty maintaining focus, particularly when engaged in intensive reading tasks. This struggle stems from the unique visual perception challenges intrinsic to the syndrome. Even the words on a page can appear distorted, causing strain and leading to problems with fluency, comprehension, and sustained attention during reading activities. The visual stress incurred can turn reading into a strenuous, rather than an enjoyable, experience.

Undiagnosed individuals might find that their eyes hurt without understanding why, or they may realize that the page’s consistent and unrelenting glare intensifies their visual strain. This discomfort can be misattributed to other eye conditions, underscoring the importance of proper identification and support from professionals familiar with Irlen Syndrome. When it comes to pinpointing and addressing the perception pains associated with this condition, an Irlen.com-certified diagnostician can help individuals better understand the visual and perceptual problems they face.

Thankfully, with heightened awareness and appropriate interventions tailored to their visual perception variations, those challenged by Irlen Syndrome can find relief from eye strain and the associated symptoms. Once identified, strategies and resources provided by Irlen.com could substantially mitigate the impact of the syndrome on an individual’s capacity to read and function in light-sensitive situations, thereby improving their overall quality of life.

Processing Disorder’s Impact on Individuals and the Irlen Test for Diagnosis

Irlen Syndrome, identified as a processing disorder, is distinguished by its profound effects on individuals’ visual perception problems. Symptoms associated with this syndrome can extend beyond mere eye stress; they often resonate through one’s ability to process visual information, chiefly due to scotopic sensitivity. This brain processing challenge significantly impacts reading and comprehension, hindering academic and occupational performance. Consequently, accurate diagnosis of Irlen Syndrome is paramount. The Irlen test, a specialized exam, effectively measures the severity of this syndrome and the extent of visual stress suffered.

This neural anomaly, often confused with dyslexia, warrants a distinction that ongoing research continues to elucidate. Both disorders can exhibit similar characteristics, such as difficulties with reading, but they stem from different causes. It is this specific nature of Irlen Syndrome that underscores the importance of proper diagnosis and differentiating it from purely dyslexic patterns. Treatment options, such as customized lenses or glasses, can notably alleviate symptoms, thus reinforcing the value of targeted intervention.

For those seeking advice for managing symptoms, understanding the correlation between Irlen Syndrome and related conditions like autism is beneficial. The disorder’s impact extends to other realms of neural development disorders, making it a subject of intricate research within the brain science community. As an Irlen-certified diagnostician, one can attest that the Meares-Irlen Syndrome—another name for Irlen Syndrome—exhibits a spectrum of intensity in visual tension and processing inaccuracies.

Incorporating the spectral filters or glasses designed to address these visual perception challenges, individuals have reported significant improvement in their ability to focus and process information visually. It’s this evidence that propels Irlen.com to advocate for greater recognition and understanding of the syndrome and its effects. Parents, educators, and healthcare providers are encouraged to consider the signs of Irlen Syndrome in their assessments of visual and brain function anomalies. With further research and development, the management of Irlen Syndrome will continue to evolve, offering those affected a path to improved visual processing and a better quality of life.

In conclusion, Irlen Syndrome and Scotopic Sensitivity can significantly impact an individual’s daily activities through a variety of symptoms, including eye stress and visual strain. Understanding these signs is essential for seeking a proper diagnosis and effective intervention. As Irlen-certified diagnosticians, we at Irlen.com are dedicated to providing comprehensive assessments and tailored solutions to alleviate the challenges associated with these conditions. Awareness and appropriate support are key to improving the quality of life for those affected by Irlen Syndrome and Scotopic Sensitivity.

Q: What is Irlen Syndrome and how does it affect reading and daily functioning?
A: Irlen Syndrome, also referred to as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, is a visual processing disorder that leads to significant visual strain and discomfort when reading or performing daily activities. Individuals with this syndrome may experience symptoms such as headaches, eye pain, and a propensity for watery or uncomfortable eyes while reading. These symptoms result from the brain’s difficulty in processing visual information, not from the eyes’ ability to focus.
Q: Are the symptoms of Irlen Syndrome limited only to reading tasks?
A: No, the symptoms of Irlen Syndrome extend beyond reading. Sufferers may experience eye strain and other symptoms, such as headaches and difficulty maintaining focus, in various light-sensitive situations. This includes everyday activities such as looking at a computer screen, being under fluorescent lighting, or being outside in bright light.
Q: How can Irlen Syndrome be differentiated from other visual or reading difficulties?
A: Irlen Syndrome is characterized by specific symptoms like visual stress, sensitivity to certain types of light, and problems with seeing text clearly. It is distinct from dyslexia, which is primarily a learning disorder affecting reading abilities, though both can have similar reading difficulty symptoms. A comprehensive Irlen test conducted by a certified diagnostician is key to distinguishing Irlen Syndrome from other conditions.
Q: What types of interventions are available for individuals with Irlen Syndrome?
A: Appropriate interventions for Irlen Syndrome may include the use of color-tinted filters or overlays that help reduce visual stress. Customized lenses or glasses specifically designed for the individual can also significantly alleviate symptoms. These solutions are aimed at enhancing visual processing by the brain rather than correcting eyesight issues.
Q: Where can individuals or healthcare providers seek professional diagnosis and support for Irlen Syndrome?
A: Professional diagnosis and support for Irlen Syndrome can be obtained through Irlen.com, where certified diagnosticians provide comprehensive assessments to identify the syndrome. Irlen.com also offers tailored solutions and strategies designed to alleviate the discomfort associated with visual processing difficulties inherent in the syndrome.
Please note, the answers to these FAQs are drafted to provide general information. For specific medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, individuals should contact a healthcare professional or a certified Irlen diagnostician.


what are some reading disabilities is it irlen symdrome


Irlen Syndrome: Understanding Reading Problems and Learning Difficulties – Is It Irlen Syndrome or Dyslexia?

As experts in perceptual processing disorders, we often encounter individuals who struggle with reading and learning difficulties. These challenges can be mistaken for common learning disabilities, such as dyslexia. However, a lesser-known condition, Irlen Syndrome, may underlie many of these struggles. Distinguishing between Irlen Syndrome and dyslexia is crucial for effective interventions. In this article, we delve into the characteristics of Irlen Syndrome, exploring how it differs from dyslexia, and discuss the significance of accurate diagnosis and tailored support strategies available through Irlen.com.

Understanding Irlen Syndrome: A Perceptual Processing Disorder Affecting Reading

Irlen Syndrome, also known as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, is a visual processing disorder that can manifest as a significant barrier to reading and learning. This disorder can often be mistaken for reading disabilities such as dyslexia; however, Irlen Syndrome specifically relates to the brain’s inability to process certain wavelengths of light. The resulting visual stress can lead to an array of reading problems, making it a critical consideration within the spectrum of learning difficulties. Individuals with Irlen Syndrome may experience symptoms that include difficulties with tracking across the page, visual distortions, and rapid fatigue while reading, which are not indicative of a learning disability in the traditional sense.

The unique aspect of Irlen Syndrome is its focus on the perceptual processing disorder that affects how visual information is interpreted by the brain. This is not simply a visual acuity issue but represents a distinct type of visual stress related to the brain’s inability to filter various light spectrums. Unlike dyslexia, which primarily affects phonological processing and can typically be identified by tendencies to reverse letters and words, Irlen Syndrome is related to the discomfort and physical eye strain that impairs one’s ability to comprehend text. The syndrome is named after education psychologist Helen Irlen, who was instrumental in identifying the visual processing problem in conjunction with reading difficulties.

Signs of Irlen Syndrome can be as varied as headaches or migraines when reading, to worsening of reading problems under fluorescent lights or specific lighting conditions. It’s pivotal to distinguish these symptoms from those associated with learning disabilities, which have a different intervention approach. Identifying Irlen Syndrome involves an assessment by Irlen-certified screeners or diagnosticians, capable of identifying the presence of this unique visual processing disorder through specialized testing.

For individuals with suspected reading disability, it can be enlightening to discover that their learning disabilities may, in fact, be correlated with Irlen Syndrome. Access to precise interventions, such as the use of colored overlays or filters from Irlen.com, can significantly alleviate the problems faced when reading and learning. An in-depth understanding of this syndrome is essential for educators and health professionals alike to ensure that they are adequately distinguishing between Irlen Syndrome and dyslexia, providing the right support for those struggling with reading difficulties and learning problems.

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Symptoms of Irlen Syndrome and Its Impact on Reading Skills

Irlen Syndrome, a perceptual processing disorder that is often misunderstood and mislabeled as dyslexia, presents with a unique set of symptoms affecting individuals’ visual processing abilities. Those with Irlen Syndrome may experience significant visual stress, which is not related to problems with the physical eye but rather with the brain’s ability to process visual information. Symptoms include difficulties with reading, where individuals may see letters moving, blurring, or merging together, rendering the task of reading both exhausting and challenging.

The impact of these symptoms on reading skills shouldn’t be underestimated as they extend beyond simple reading problems. Some individuals may find that their reading speed is affected, while others suffer from poor comprehension or avoidance of reading altogether. The visual stress experienced can be alleviated through the use of colored overlays or Irlen filters, which are tailored to each person’s specific color spectrum need. This treatment addresses the unique sensory experiences caused by Irlen Syndrome, which can manifest as sensitivity to bright lighting, certain patterns, or glare. The use of appropriate colored overlays or filters can make a profound difference in reducing the symptoms and stress associated with reading.

Research into Irlen Syndrome has shown that the brain’s inability to process visual information correctly could lead to this perceptual processing disorder. Thus, the stress is not due to the eyes themselves but the brain’s interpretation of the visual stimuli. Misalignment between the eyes and brain can result in distorted or affected vision, where letters may appear to float or become jumbled, causing problems for individuals. Some may require treatment with colored filters to enhance their visual experience and decrease symptoms.

For many, Irlen Syndrome can be a barrier to academic and professional success due to the reading problems it causes. Early detection and treatment can be integral to helping individuals manage their symptoms. With the appropriate diagnosis from a certified Irlen diagnostician, a personalized treatment plan can include the recommendation of colored overlays or filters designed to reduce visual stress and improve reading performance. Those struggling with these symptoms are encouraged to explore whether Irlen Syndrome might be the cause of their reading difficulties and consider diagnostic assessment through Irlen.com.

Addressing Reading Problems: Differentiating Between Irlen Syndrome and Dyslexia

When grappling with reading problems, it’s crucial to discern whether an individual’s learning difficulties stem from Irlen Syndrome or dyslexia. Irlen Syndrome, a perceptual processing disorder, affects the brain’s ability to process visual information, often leading to stress and reading difficulties. It’s not a learning disability in the traditional sense, but rather a brain-based issue that can impact reading performance and learning. Individuals with this syndrome may find that words on a page appear to move, shimmer, or blur, contributing to significant reading problems and stress.

In contrast, dyslexia is a language-based learning disability characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. Unlike Irlen Syndrome, dyslexia directly relates to linguistic processing, where the person struggles with the manipulation and decoding of language, from reading to spelling. However, like Irlen Syndrome, dyslexia can cause substantial reading difficulties and affect one’s educational experience.

The symptoms of Irlen Syndrome and dyslexia can sometimes overlap, which is why accurate diagnosis is essential. An Irlen test, administered by a certified Irlen diagnostician, can help determine if visual overlays, which are colored sheets placed over text, or the use of tinted Irlen Method lenses, could alleviate the symptoms of Irlen Syndrome. The Irlen Method addresses the brain’s processing of visual information and can provide immediate relief from the stress and reading difficulties associated with Irlen Syndrome.

For many students, especially children, addressing these issues can be life-changing. Early detection and treatment can prevent affected individuals from falling behind. When it comes to treating reading difficulties, understanding whether they are due to Irlen Syndrome involves observing a person’s response to different methods, such as changes in lighting, the use of colored overlays, or tinted lenses prescribed after taking the Irlen test. On the other hand, dyslexia often requires specialized language-based educational interventions and methods that focus on reading and language skills.

At Irlen.com, we offer advice, support, and a community for those affected by Irlen Syndrome. Whether you’re a person experiencing symptoms or a family looking to support a loved one at home, Irlen.com is your resource for understanding and managing this syndrome. By providing insight into the differences between Irlen Syndrome and dyslexia, we aim to empower individuals and remediate reading problems effectively. If you’re concerned about a reading disability, don’t hesitate to seek out a test and consult with professionals for tailored treatment plans.

In conclusion, distinguishing between Irlen Syndrome and dyslexia is critical for implementing effective strategies and interventions. At Irlen.com, we remain dedicated to raising awareness and providing accurate diagnoses through our certified diagnosticians. We understand the unique impact of visual processing difficulties and are committed to helping individuals overcome the challenges associated with reading problems and learning difficulties. Our goal is to ensure that every person has the opportunity for successful learning experiences and the ability to reach their full potential.

Everything You Need to Know About the Different Names for Irlen Syndrome


You’re at a dinner table with 6 friends: a psychologist, a teacher, an optometrist, a teacher, a physician, and a neurologist. You tell them, “bright lights hurt my eyes, words move on the page when I read, and fluorescent lights give me a headache. Any chance one of you knows what my problem might be?” Much to your surprise, you get several different answers. “It’s Irlen Syndrome,” one of them says. “No, no, I think you have visual stress,” says another. The neurologist on your right says confidently, “I’m pretty sure you’re describing a visual processing problem.” The answers keep coming, “Meares-Irlen Syndrome! Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)! Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome!”


Woah, hold on. How can they all have a completely different diagnosis for the symptoms you are describing? Who’s right? The answer…they’re all right. Over the last 40 years, there have been a variety of different names used to define the cluster of symptoms that all stem from a light-based processing problem.

About 40 years ago, American psychologist, Helen Irlen, identified the symptoms of a disorder that would eventually come to bear her namesake, Irlen Syndrome. In its early years, Irlen referred to the disorder as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, based on the belief that the primary difficulties associated with the disorder occurred when the brain tried to process light within the scotopic range of the visible light spectrum. Many people misinterpreted the label to mean scotopic vision or night vision, which confused professionals and discredited the method. As a result, researchers began calling the disorder Irlen Syndrome. Early research on the topic can still be found that uses the term Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, however. Some places in the literature also refer to the disorder as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, paying respect to Olive Meares, a teacher in New Zealand who identified similar symptoms as Helen Irlen during the same time period in the early 1980’s. Unlike Irlen, Meares did not move beyond symptom description to treatment protocols or developing methods of intervention. In recent years, optometrists introduced the term, Visual Stress in an attempt to simplify and generalize the name with the hopes to garner broader acceptance and understanding of the disorder. Academic research using the term Visual Stress also acknowledges the disorder’s other labels, Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, and Meares-Irlen Syndrome.


When it all comes down to it though, at its core, Irlen Syndrome is a visual processing problem (i.e., a problem with how the brain processes the visual information it receives). It is also technically a sensory processing disorder, as it involves one of the primary senses. So, don’t let the names confuse you. It doesn’t really matter what it’s called. If your brain struggles to process visual information correctly and this causes symptoms of physical discomfort or visual distortions, you probably have Irlen Syndrome, Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Visual Processing Problems, Sensory Processing Disorder, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, or Visual Stress. Don’t worry, the good news is that the most effective intervention for your symptoms is colored filters, no matter what you decide to call it.


Teen Makes a Splash in Ireland to Raise Awareness of Irlen Syndrome

Seven months ago, I had a conversation with Ethan Lynch, a 19-year-old college student from Ireland, who wanted to help raise awareness of Irlen Syndrome within the Irish education system. I never could have imagined what would happen next, as Ethan, his cousin Oliver, and his friends embarked on an awareness and fundraising campaign to help change the lives of individuals with Irlen Syndrome. Below, Ethan details his journey in his own words. We hope Ethan’s motivation, creativity, perspiration, and supreme dedication inspire you as much as it inspired us. One person can make a difference. One person can ignite change. One person can generate momentum. Thank you, Ethan, for your incredible dedication to changing lives!

[video width="848" height="480" mp4="https://www.irlensyndrome.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Irlen-Go-Fund-Me-Video.mp4"][/video]


Irlen Syndrome: A Whole New Perspective

by Ethan Lynch 

Hello, Irlen Syndrome Foundation, just a brief introduction. My name is Ethan Lynch, I’m 19 years old from Dublin, Ireland. Currently, I’m a second-year college student studying marketing at TU Dublin. Alongside my college course, my main interest is boxing which I’ve been doing for the last 3 years. Recently, this experience lead to me obtaining a coaching role in one of the most highly regarded boxing gyms in Ireland named ‘Headon Boxing Academy’ (HBA). Before then, I was playing rugby for both my club Lansdowne FC and my school, St. Michaels College.

I was diagnosed with Irlen syndrome in my final year of secondary school (High School) at 18yrs, 6 months prior to my final exams known as the ‘Leaving Cert’ in Ireland. I cannot begin to explain the positive impact these tinted glasses have had on me in all aspects of my life, but I will get to that later. Firstly, I feel it is important and helpful for people who do not have Irlen syndrome or have recently become aware of the disorder, to understand it better by outlining the impact it has had on my life.  So, I will briefly go through some of the struggles my family and I went through throughout my time in the education system.

[video width="848" height="480" mp4="https://www.irlensyndrome.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Irlen-Swim-2.mp4"][/video]

From the age of 5yrs to 12yrs I was assigned to the resource classes, as the teachers spotted early on that I needed further help and guidance, especially with reading. As the years progressed, my resource teacher (Mrs. Hogan) could not exactly pinpoint what was happening or why I was struggling. For years I was just labeled as dyslexic, even though I was never diagnosed with dyslexia. I remember just how frustrated I would get, and my overall confidence and self-esteem were slowly being diminished. While that was going on, my mom brought me to see two educational psychologists to try and determine the root cause of my struggles. The second educational psychologist tested me again for dyslexia. This was my third negative result from a dyslexia test. This particular psychologist also made it clear to my mom that the resource classes were not only ineffective but were having a severe negative effect on my self-esteem and any help I needed moving forward should be completed outside the remit of my school. I was a very shy and sensitive kid back then. I did not know what the feeling was, but I ended up having bad anxiety issues whenever I was around my friends and family. Surrounded by big groups of people, I could not engage properly, I always wanted to play on my own. It also impacted my one big escape, sport.

I loved playing rugby and football as a kid, it was the only way I could show glimpses of my true personality and my fun side. It was a time when I was not surrounded by extra assistance or feeling like I had a disadvantage because I simply could not process information as fast as others. It was the one time I was on a fair playing field. But there were occasions where I always felt that I was going to mess up and not perform for my team. I tended to always talk down about myself because of what kids around me in school would say to me. My decision-making on the pitch would be poor, and I simply had no confidence at times. But that mindset soon changed for me and that amazing feeling of being in your happy place came back.

My mom discussed the Educational psychologist’s report with Mrs. Hogan who agreed that we needed a change in direction in dealing with my issues. She put us in touch with a new speech and language therapist who recommended that I meet with Karen O’Connor who runs the ‘Child Development Centre’ in Ireland. This center runs programs for children with a wide range of issues.  We did not know it at the time, but this program was going to drastically improve my school and social life. I vividly remember the first time I stepped foot into the room where “The Lift” as it was known was run.  I was in a group of 8 to 10 children who had experienced similar issues to me. This program, to explain it briefly, was a music therapy program that took place 5 days a week for 3 weeks. Each child was given a microphone headset and any book of interest. For 20 to 30 minutes, each child would take a spot in a room by themselves and read aloud while listening to classical music, and as you read, you can hear yourself through the microphone.

This form of therapy helped with my sensory imbalance and enabled me to navigate my world much better in terms of social cues and interaction with others.  My mom has said it was like someone had unlocked me. A good example of this was on a trip I took with my grandmother shortly after completing “The Lift”. Usually, I would sit in silence and not interact with anyone. I do not personally remember this happening, but apparently, I was constantly talking, asking questions and giving my own input into the topic of discussion. My grandmother thought she picked up someone else’s grandchild! That is just one example of the impact this program had on me.

From here, my parents were more confident with how I would cope with life in senior school (13-18yrs). Although I was more confident than I had ever been, there were still some difficulties I was dealing with academically. I was still being mistaken for having dyslexia year in year out, but this time it wasn’t just the teachers, friends and other students were also saying the same thing. I was constantly making the same silly mistakes both for homework and in exams, so you could say it was understandable to make that assumption, as I didn’t fit into any category recognized by the Department of Education in Ireland. These mistakes were repetitive – reading the question wrong, struggling to copy down notes on the board, losing the meaning of a sentence, comprehension was particularly difficult and my time management for exams was poor. Along with this, I was still nervous to read aloud in class or ask questions in front of everyone.

Fast forward to my final year in senior school. One evening during after-school study my good friend Mikey Kelly came in wearing orange-tinted glasses. He told me that he had been diagnosed with pattern glare, similar to Irlen syndrome and the tinted glasses helped him to read.  He then went through his symptoms and what his perspective was when reading any text. The glasses stopped the words from appearing to move or jitter on the page. I could instantly relate to what he said.  As soon as I got home I told my parents what had happened. They then remembered that my cousin Oliver had mentioned that he had new colored reading glasses a few years previously and contacted him straight away. He explained he had Irlen syndrome and that very evening we completed the online test on the Irlen website. Two days later I had my first appointment with Maureen McMenamin, a Diagnostician.

I will always remember my first appointment with Maureen, it was a mixture of emotions. It reminded me of the many places my mom had brought me to seek extra help and some of those had no positive impact whatsoever, so as well as being excited, I had that nervous feeling that it might not work out. Maureen could not have been more welcoming and friendly to us as we walked into her own home. I felt comfortable around her, and I honestly could not speak more highly of her. Without her, I’m not sure where I would be in terms of my journey to Third level education.

Further assessment proved without a doubt that I had Irlen syndrome, thankfully on the milder scale. So then we started to investigate what color or colors would be needed to make my filtered lenses. After 2 and a half hours, we could not get a perfect match … we were 90% there. At the time I was so drained and disappointed, I went back to school thinking I could do some study, but I was both physically and mentally exhausted. I had to wait a further 2 weeks for my next appointment with Maureen to try again.  It was possibly the toughest two weeks of my final year, knowing that there was something out there that could help me but I couldn’t have it yet frustrated me so much. Finally, back in Maureen’s home, focused and beyond determined we found a 100% match after an exhausting 3hrs of trying.

People tend to ask me how it must have felt when I finally got my tinted glasses. Yes, I was full of joy and excitement, but my main feeling was relief … I was relieved that it worked and that I finally had an answer as to why I constantly made all those mistakes.  I looked forward with optimism reading my next school report card, which hopefully wouldn’t say “Ethan needs to concentrate harder,” or “Ethan keeps making silly mistakes.” At the same time, I don’t have anything but nice things to say about my teachers, they’ve helped me to the best of their capabilities, and I couldn’t be more appreciative of the support they’ve given me over the years.

I could instantly tell the difference these glasses brought to my academic life. They’ve given me a whole new perspective of learning. Finally, I can read a page of text the same way that the average student can, which is quite mad to say if you think about it. As soon as I told my teachers what I had, and how this was an issue I had for my whole school life, every teacher had the same reaction, “that makes a lot of sense now,” referring to the common and constant mistakes I always used to make and how long it took me to complete some tasks.

Two years on, after a long hard 18 months of the devastating impact of covid-19, where the majority of people had too much time on their hands and were desperate to keep themselves busy, I, along with my cousin Oliver Madigan and my good friend Mikey Kelly, decided to organize a fundraiser for the Irlen Foundation in the summer of 2020. We documented all the fundraisers on my Instagram. With the kind help of Adam Kerr, I made a quick 2-minute video explaining what Irlen syndrome was and the task for this charity event. We planned to swim in the Irish Sea every day for 17 days (representing the 17 years of my life without my Irlen filtered lenses!). On the final day, along with some friends, we cycled from Dublin to Kilkenny, 95km (60 Miles) approx. It was tough at times, but overall, an extremely rewarding experience.

[video width="368" height="672" mp4="https://www.irlensyndrome.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Irlen-Go-Fund-Me-Video-2.mp4"][/video]

With our fundraising effort, we managed to donate €5,400 or $6,150 to the Irlen Syndrome Foundation! It was the very first independent charity event for Irlen syndrome in Ireland. Along with the challenges, we also held a competition for two pieces of clothing from Get Ahead & Co. This competition helped us push our message out to others, as contestants had to share the post on their Instagram and tag one friend. Overall, it was an enormous success and one giant step for the recognition of Irlen syndrome in Ireland. Lastly, my former school St. Michaels College, Ballsbridge donated an extra €1000 to the Irlen Syndrome Foundation, which was included in the same fundraising effort! It was documented on the school’s weekly newsletter, https://stmcdaily.tumblr.com/

I want to personally thank everyone again who shared, donated, and took part in the fundraiser, without you guys, I would not have been asked to write up my story for the Irlen Syndrome Foundation website and continue this unbelievable journey! It was a dream come true to shine light on Irlen in a country that knows little about the disorder. I want to give a special shout out to my old school St. Michaels College notably Mr. Hogan, Mr. O’Connor, Mrs. Hogan, and all the chaplaincy team for all the help and guidance you have given us for this venture. To Maureen McMenamin for her kindness and endless patience. To Karen O’Connor and the Child Development Centre for the brilliant work they do, my family and close friends, and lastly to Sandra Tosta, who has been so supportive over the last few months especially with allowing me to talk about my story on the biggest platform for Irlen.

Research About Irlen Syndrome that Isn’t About Reading

Irlen Syndrome may affect an individual’s reading performance, but it’s not a reading disability. In fact, many great readers suffer from symptoms of Irlen Syndrome, such as eyestrain, fatigue, headaches, light sensitivity, depth perception issues, or attention and concentration problems. Here are a few key research findings related to Irlen Syndrome that have nothing to do with reading.